Figure 7.
As in Figure 1, the firing rate of each neuron in the network is presented as a function of the neuron's relative rank in K (from smaller to larger). (A) K = 3.0, ΔK/K = 0.6 (fully drifting: D). (B) K = 3.0, ΔK/K = 0.1 (partially drifting and synchronized: D+S). (C) K = 12.0, ΔK/K = 0.1 (fully synchronized: S). Top: Comparison for several network sizes N. Bottom: The numerical result for a network with a uniform connectivity matrix (red line) in comparison to a network in which the elements of the connectivity matrix are allowed to vary within 50% up or down from unity (Blue points. The error bars represent the standard deviation of twenty realizations of the weight matrix).