Figure 3.
The molecular genetic phylogenetic trees of the Cyp51A and Cdr1B proteins of pathogenic Aspergillus fungi. The sequences were retrieved from the AspGD and NCBI databases according to sequence similarity. The protein sequences of Cyp51A (A) and Cdr1B (B) were aligned using the ClustalW software, and the phylogenetic trees were constructed by the UPGMA method. The trees were drawn using FigTree v1.4.2 software. The IDs shown behind a species name are associated with the database from which the sequences were retrieved. (C) Amino acid sequence alignment of Cyp51A. The sequence surrounding the azole resistance-related amino acids (G54, P216, M220, and G448) is depicted. The numbers indicate amino acid position in the A. fumigatus Cyp51A protein.