Fig. 2.
Clusters representing greater connectivity from amygdala complex seeds before neurofeedback intervention: a) left BLA to the PAG, b) left SFA to the left PAG, c) left SFA to the left hippocampus, as compared to after neurofeedback within PTSD patients. Non-significant differences were found with respect to the right BLA, right SFA, and bilateral CMA, when examining increased amygdala functional connectivity pre neurofeedback as compared to post neurofeedback. Inversely, we report increased amygdala complex connectivity after neurofeedback, as compared to before neurofeedback, d) right CMA to the mPFC. Here, non-significant differences were found when examining increased amygdala complex connectivity post neurofeedback, as compared to pre neurofeedback, for the left CMA, bilateral BLA, and bilateral SFA. The follow up comparison statistical threshold was p-uncorrected < 0.005, k = 10. *Indicates the a-priori region-of-interest analysis, in which p-FWE < 0.05, k = 10 was employed. X, Y, and Z indicate the position of brain slices displayed in MRIcron software. Abbreviations: R = right hemisphere, P = posterior, BLA = basolateral amygdala complex, CMA = centromedial amygdala complex, SFA = superficial amygdala complex, mPFC = medial prefrontal cortex, PAG = periaqueductal gray, FWE = familywise error protection rate.