Table 1. Absolute gravity data at the three benchmark stations established in Bhutan.
Station code | AGTDGM | AGTLS | AGGDGM |
Location | Thimphu, DGM | Thimphu, LS | Gelephu, DGM |
Longitude (°E) | 89.635 | 89.630 | 90.504 |
Latitude (°N) | 27.474 | 27.481 | 26.924 |
Altitude (m a.s.l.) | 2350 | 2409 | 284 |
Vertical gradient (mGal/m) | −0.2639 ± 0.0048 | −0.2668 ± 0.0051 | −0.2544 ± 0.003 |
Gravity at the benchmark (μGal) | 978′367′276.63 | 978′357′349.94 | 978′837′282.28 |
Date of measurement | 11-12.03.2015 | 13-14.03.2015 | 16.03.2015 |
DGM: Department of Geology and Mines. LS: Land Survey.