Figure 3.
A20 regulates NKT1 and NKT2 sublineage activation and survival. qPCR analysis of A20 mRNA expression in bulk splenic iNKT (A) or NKT sublineage (B) cells after 24 h in vitro treatment with the indicated agents. Data are from two independent experiments. (C and D) CD69 and CXCR3 expression on NKT1a, NKT1b, NKT2, and NKT17 cells isolated from thymi of control (n = 6) and CD4-cre;A20F/F mice (n = 6), respectively. Data are from two independent experiments. (E and F) α-CD3/CD28-induced cytokine production by in vitro–expanded control and A20-deficient NKT1 and NKT2 thymocytes (n = 3). Data are from two independent experiments. (G) FACS analysis of caspase 3 activity in NKT1, 2, and 17 sublineages isolated from thymus and spleen of control (n = 9) and CD4-cre;A20F/F (n = 9) mice, respectively. Data are pooled from three independent experiments. (H and I) Frequency of control and A20-deficient iNKT cells recovered from CD45.1 congenic mice after in vivo treatment with vehicle (control, n = 16; CD4-cre;A20F/F, n = 17), Z-VAD (10 mg/kg; CD4-cre;A20F/F, n = 8), or Necrostatin-1 (10 mg/kg; CD4-cre;A20F/F, n = 7), respectively. FACS dot blots show CD45.2+ iNKT cells isolated from chimeras and represents pooled data from two independent experiments. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.005; ***, P < 0.0005. n.s., not significant.