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. 2016 May 10;55(3):166–173. doi: 10.1515/sjph-2016-0021

Table 4.

Exploratory factor analysis of the Serbian version of the Orthognathic Quality of Life Questionnaire (OQLQ).

Original OQLQ items Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4
Social aspects of deformity Facial aesthetics Oral function Awareness of facial deformity
Social aspects of deformity
15. Cover mouth when meeting people .856 .165 .056 .162
16. Worry about meeting people .821 .162 -.092 .142
17. Worry people will make hurtful comments .802 .117 .279 .052
18. Lack confidence socially .729 .163 .295 .136
19. Do not like smiling .618 .408 .199 .011
20. Get depressed about appearance .665 .252 .300 .191
21. Sometimes think people are staring .560 .075 .520 .058
22. Comments about appearance upset me .624 .298 .288 .147
Facial aesthetics
1. Self-conscious about appearance of my teeth .511 .263 .323 .065
7. Don’t like seeing side view of face (profile) .157 .790 .275 .117
10. Dislike having photograph taken .183 .644 .203 .013
10. Dislike having photograph taken .206 .804 .166 .052
14. Self-conscious about appearance .338 .495 .437 .307
Oral function
2. Problems biting .034 .008 .596 .550
3. Problems chewing .115 .033 .433 .358
4. Avoid eating some foods .145 .047 .056 .784
5. Don’t like eating in public .277 .325 .628 .347
6. Pains in face/jaw .154 .332 .075 .625
Awareness of facial deformity
8. Spend time studying face .347 .197 .421 .494
9. Spend time studying teeth .394 .155 .487 .429
12. Stare at people’s teeth .390 .271 .204 .625
13. Stare at people’s faces .212 .305 .147 .713

Highest factor loadings for each factor are in the bold script; factor loadings corresponding to the factors in the original version are marked with a grey background; factor loadings with a black background indicate highest loadings on other factors than the original ones.