Figure 16. Mean population responses of RGCs to full-field subretinal contrast steps.
(a) WT responses to visible full field light steps can broadly be classified into vON (red), vOFF (blue) and vON-OFF (purple) responses. The black dashed line outlines the stimulation threshold, defined as a 503 probability of eliciting an action potential correlated with the contrast step. On average, ON cells respond to contrast increments greater than 73, while OFF cells respond to contrast decrements as small as 33. (b) Photovoltaic stimulation of p90-140 RCS retina with 70 μm pixel implants requires 673 contrast steps to elicit responses in the RGCs. Maximum amplitude of the response is lower than with visible light in the WT retina. Confidence bands represent the standard error of the mean. Adapted from [121].