Figure 2.
(a) Representative differential conductance spectra dI/dV(Vtip), normalized by the first value I0 of the respective I(Vtip) curve (Supporting Information). Recording positions are X1, between AA and AB; X2, on AB; X3, between AB and BA (compare panel d). Spectra on other regions (e.g., AA, BA) look similar. Vstab = 1 V, Istab = 700 pA, Vmod = 4.2 mVrms and B = 7 T. Quadruplets of peaks are marked by “4” and the first charging peak on either Vtip side by an asterisk. Curves are offset for clarity, while horizontal gray lines mark dI/dV = 0 S. Inset shows a zoom with Gaussian fits (dashed lines) used to extract distances between adjacent peaks ΔV as marked. (b,c) ΔV as a function of consecutive peak index for spectrum X1 (blue, error bars smaller than symbol size) and the median values for 80 × 80 spectra recorded on 60 × 60 nm 2 (orange). (d) Atomically resolved STM image (raw data) of the aligned graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (BN). Vtip = 400 mV, I = 1 nA. Differently stacked areas AB, BA, and AA marked and sketched by ball models. Inset on the upper left shows a zoom into the AB stacked area, marked by the blue square, exhibiting an obvious sublattice symmetry breaking due to the underlying BN. Positions equivalent to those where spectra in panel a were recorded are marked by circles labeled X1, X2, X3.