Figure 1. Identification of the human POT1 homologue SmedOB1 in Schmidtea mediterranea.
(A) Primers based on the BLAST result (V31.002347: 3945..3613) were used for the 5′ RACE and 3′ RACE PCR of SmedOB1. (B) Sequence homology of the OB1 fold domain in POT1 or proteins similar to POT1 in human (H. sapiens POT1), mouse (M. musculus POT1a), chicken (G. gallus POT1), frog (X. laevis POT1), zebrafish (D. rerio POT1), Schmidtea mediterranea (S. med POT1, i.e. SmedOB1), Arabidopsis thaliana (A. thaliana POT1), yeast (S. pombe POT1, S. cerevisiae CDC13) and C. elegans (CeOB1, CeOB2 and CeMRT-1, the CeOB1 and CeMRT-1 have only OB2 domain and were analysed with OB1 of the others) as analysed using Cluster X. (C) A phylogenetic tree of the full-length POT1 proteins and relate proteins among species were constructed using Cluster X and MEGA4. (D) A schematic diagram of the OB fold domains (OB1 and OB2) in POT1 full-length proteins from various species was showed.