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. 2016 Sep 22;11(9):e0162664. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0162664

Table 5. Prevalence of Vertebral Deformities Among Women in Selected Community and Population-Based Studies1,2,3.

Author Year Study Imaging Technique and Deformity Grading Method Age Strata and Sample Size Number of Fractures per Stratum Prevalence Estimate (95% CI) per 100 persons per stratum
Melton 1993 Rochester Epidemiology Project, Minnesota Radiographs Melton [1989] 50–54 106 11 10.4 (NR)
55–59 137 16 11.7 (NR)
60–64 112 14 12.5 (NR)
65–69 107 18 16.8 (NR)
Ross 1995 Hawaii Osteoporosis Study (HOS) Adult Health Study (AHS), Hiroshima Radiographs Ross [1993] Hawaii
50–54 1 NR 0 (NR)
55–59 15 NR 0 (NR)
60–64 102 NR 1.0 (NR)
65–70 313 NR 6.1 (NR)
50–54 56 NR 5.4 (NR)
55–59 147 NR 4.1 (NR)
60–64 224 NR 4.9 (NR)
65–69 159 NR 8.2 (NR)
Tsai 1996 Taiwan Population Sample Radiographs Eastell [1992] 50–54 88 3 4.5 (0.2, 8.8)
55–59 83 4 4.8 (0.2, 9.4)
60–64 104 7 6.7 (1.9, 11.5)
65–70 618 86 13.9 (11.6, 16.3)
O’neill 1996 European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study Radiographs Eastell [1992] McCloskey [1993] McCloskey Method
50–54 NR NR 5.0 (NR)
55–59 NR NR 7.6 (NR)
60–64 NR NR 9.9 (NR)
65–69 NR NR 13.4 (NR)
Eastell Method
50–54 NR NR 11.5 (NR)
55–59 NR NR 14.6 (NR)
60–64 NR NR 16.8
65–69 NR NR 23.5
Ling 2000 Beijing Osteoporosis Project Radiographs4Black [1991] Eastell [1991] Black Method
50–59 100 NR 3.9 (0.2, 7.7)
60–69 100 NR 10.5 (4.6, 16.3)
Eastell Method
50–59 100 NR 4.9 (0.7, 91)
60–69 100 NR 16.2 (9.2, 23.2)
Kadowki2010 Japanese Population-Based Osteoporosis Cohort Study (JPOS) DEXA5 McCloskey-Kanis [1993] 50–59 260 7 2.7 (NR)
60–69 246 34 13.8 (NR)
70–79 1206 36 17.5 (NR)
Waterloo2012 The Trøsmo Study DEXA6 Kim semi-quantitative [Kim 2004] 38–60 412 14 3.4 (NR)
60–69 721 80 11.1 (NR)
70–87 548 105 192. (NR)
Sanfelix-Gimeno2013 Population-Based Study in Valencia, Spain (FRAVO) Radiographs Genant semi-quantitative [Genant 1993] 50–54 118 5 4.2 (NR)
55–59 153 11 8.7 (NR)
60–64 169 20 15.9 (NR)
65–70 166 24 19.1 (NR)

1 Studies tabulated are those that reported prevalence by 5- or 10- year age stratum in middle-aged women

2Except for semi-quantitative criteria, all vertebral deformity methods used a criterion of ≥3 standard deviation decrements from a referent standard (referent standards vary among


3NR = data not reported

4Investigators report that they sampled “approximately 100” in each stratum

5Hologic 4500A QDR with bone morphometric software

6Lunar prodigy