A. At 12 hpf (hours post fertilization), mdm1 begins to be expressed at the forming tail bud (tb). B. At 16hpf, mdm1 expression expands to the telencephalons (tel) and neural tube (nt). C. At 19hpf, mdm1 expressed similarly with 16hpf except the expression in notochord reduced. D. mdm1 sense riboprobe control. E. At 24hpf, mdm1 is expressed at the perinephric duct (pnd) in addition to the continued expression in the telencephalons (tel), diencephalons (di), and tail bud (tb) F. 24hpf, transverse section showed that mdm1 is expressed at the perinephric duct (pnd) region and neural tube (nt). Dashed line indicates the position of the transverse section of E. G. Ventral view of panel E. Dashed line indicates the position of the transverse section of H. H. Transverse section through the tail bud (tb) of 24hpf embryo. I. 48hpf mdm1 gene expression expands into the hindbrain (hb). J. 72hpf mdm1 is dominantly expressed in the hind brain (hb).