Figure 7.
Examination of the effects of AuNP exposure on the survival of hESC-derived NPCs. NPCs were treated with vehicle or 10 µg/mL of AuNP1.5, AuNP4, and AuNP14 for 72 h, processed for immunofluorescence detection of Nestin, and then stained with the nuclear marker DAPI. (A–H) hESC-derived NPCs exposed for 72 h to vehicle (A, E), AuNP1.5 (B, F), AuNP4 (C, G), and AuNP14 (D, H). Whereas exposure to AuNP1.5 resulted in cell death (B, F), NPCs treated with AuNP4 (C, G) and AuNP14 (D, H) displayed a viability and a Nestin immunostaining (E–H) similar to those observed in control conditions (A, E). (I) Quantitative analysis of NPCs harboring pyknotic nuclei showed ongoing cell death in cells exposed to 10 µg/mL AuNP1.5. (J) No Nestin-positive NPCs survived following 72-h exposure to AuNP1.5. Histogram values are means ± SEM. Statistical significance compared to the vehicle control group is designated as (***) (p < 0.001; n = 3, one-way ANOVA). The scale bar length is 100 µm for (A–D) and 30 µm for (E–H).