T16Ainh-AO1 does not affect the agonist-evoked calcium response.
A and B, application of 200 nm acetylcholine (Ach) induced a rapid rise in intracellular calcium in control (DMSO-treated, n = 10 acini, n = 3 mice) and T16Ainh-A01-treated (10 μm, n = 6 acini, n = 3 mice) pancreatic acini as measured with calibrated Fura-2-loaded cells. A, example images taken at time points i, ii, iii, and iv (indicated in B). B, time traces from the examples shown in A. C and D, the average calcium responses were not different (Student's t test) in the peak (C) or temporal changes (D) between control and T16Ainh-A01 treatment. ns, not significant.