Lipid accumulation in the photoreceptor outer segments and retinal pigment epithelium of Cyp27a1−/−Cyp46a1−/− mice. Transmission electron micrographs of Cyp27a1+/+Cyp46a1+/+ mice (A and E) and Cyp27a1−/−Cyp46a1−/− mice (B–D and F–I). C, G, and H, enlarged images of the boxed regions in B and F, respectively. B, single lipid droplets (yellow circles) and a cluster of lipid droplets (magenta circle). C, absent plasma membrane in the outer segment (orange arrowheads). D, linear track of lipid droplets (dark blue arrowheads) suggesting that these lipid droplets are being expelled from the outer segment. F–H, lipid-containing areas with membranous debris and membranous particles (yellow boxed area and yellow arrows, respectively) or a cluster of lipid droplets (magenta boxed area and magenta arrow, respectively). G and I, phagosomes (blue arrows), one of which (I) contains lipid droplets. I, a lipid lake (purple arrow). All images are representative: n = 3 mice (7 months old)/genotype, with one retina from each mouse. Scale bars: A, B, and I, 2 μm; C, 0.5 μm; D, 0.2 μm; E and F, 5 μm; G and H, 1 μm.