Inhibition of miR-30b or miR-378 attenuates Ffar4 agonist-mediated brown-specific gene activation. Brown preadipocytes were transfected with LNA miR-30b inhibitor (LNA miR-30b) (A–E) or LNA miR-378 (LAN miR-378) (F–J) before stimulation of brown adipogenesis with or without GW9508. A, miR-30b after transfection with LNA miR-30b. B–E, mRNA expression of Rip140 (B), Ffar4 (C), UCP1 (D), and Cidea (E). F, miR-378 after transfection with LNA miR-378. G–J, mRNA expression of Pdeb1(G), Ffar4 (H), UCP1 (I), and Cidea (J). K, OCR by extracellular analyzer in brown adipocytes pretreated with either non-targeting LNA (square) in combination with vehicle (Veh) (green) or GW9508 (blue), or LNA miR-30b (circle) in combination of vehicle (red) or GW9508 (violet). Arrow indicates the addition of respiratory inhibitors of oligomycin (Oligo), FCCP, and antimycin A plus rotenone (A + R). All data are presented as mean ± S.E., n = 6/group. Values not sharing a common letter differ significantly (p < 0.05) by one-way ANOVA. *, p < 0.05; ns, not significant by Student's t test .