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. 2016 Jul 26;291(39):20674–20691. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M116.739136


Comparison of parallel PCM dimers in their Pr states

Agp1 (5I5L)a DrBphP (4Q0J) RpBphP2 (4R6L)
Superpositioning of PAS-GAF monomers (upper right) and dimers (lower left)
    Agp1 (5I5L) 1.27b (270)c 1.38 (277)/1.29 (261)d
    DrBphP (4Q0J) 2.87 (536) 1.47 (276)/1.16 (258)
    RpBphP2 (4R6L) 2.28 (536) 2.72 (521)

Angles formed between the C-terminal helical segments of the GAF domains within a dimer
    Agp1 (5I5L) 42° (289–304)e
    DrBphP (4Q0J) 50° (299–314)
    RpBphP2 (4R6L) 47° (294–309)

Surface area (Å2) buried at the dimer interface
    Agp1 (5I5L) 1193
    DrBphP (4Q0J) 1350
    RpBphP2 (4R6L) 1313

a PDB code is shown in parentheses.

b r.m.s.d. values are in Å.

c Number of Cα atoms used in structural alignment is shown in parentheses.

d Data shown are with first (chain A) and second copy (chain B) of the polypeptide chain.

e Range of residues used to define the helix axis is shown in parentheses.