Central activation of α-MSH signaling, preferentially via MC4R, stimulates LH secretion in pubertal but not infantile rats. (A) The effects of intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of an effective dose (1 nmol) of the MC3/4R agonist MT-II on LH secretion in infantile (PND-15) male and female rats (n = 10/group) are shown. In addition, LH responses to MT-II injection (icv, 1 nmol) in pubertal male (Panel B; n = 12) and female (C; n = 10) rats are presented. (D, E) the effects on LH secretion of the icv injection of a range of doses of selective MC3R (upper) or MC4R (lower) agonists in pubertal male rats (n = 10/group) are depicted. In addition to time-course responses, integral LH responses, calculated as AUC over the 60-min period after injection, are shown in the insets. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 and *** P < 0.001 vs. corresponding time-points in vehicle-injected animals (ANOVA followed by Student–Newman–Keuls multiple range test).