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. 2016 Aug 28;2016(8):CD008815. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008815.pub4

Dal'Ava 2014.

Methods Design: prospective matched
Location: single site in Campinas, Brazil
Time frame: enrolled October 2009 to June 2011
Sample size estimation and outcome of focus: reported change in baseline percentage of body fat 12 months after initiation of contraception (primary outcome), 1.75% increase in DMPA users vs 0.31% reduction in Cu IUC users; required 20 complete cases in each group, using repeated measures ANOVA with 5% significance level and 80% power
Participants 97 women
Inclusion criteria: 18 to 50 years of age; new DMPA or Cu IUC users
Exclusion criteria: breastfeeding; use of DMPA in prior 6 months; history of diabetes, pituitary disorder, liver or kidney disease, cancer; use of corticosteroids, diuretics, hormone therapy; eating disorder
Interventions 1) DMPA 150 mg (N = 55)
2) Cu T380A IUC (N = 42)
Outcomes Change in weight (kg), fat mass (kg), and lean mass (kg)
Follow‐up: 12 months
Notes Women using Cu IUC may overlap with those in Dal'Ava 2012; study periods overlap and inclusion criteria are similar. Unable to obtain further information from investigator.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) High risk Participants chose method
NOS selection (NRS) Low risk Exposed: volunteered for study; unclear if they were clinic attendees
Non‐exposed: same population as exposed but chose different contraceptive method
Exposure: clinic records (inserted IUC and administered DMPA)
NOS comparability (NRS) Low risk Design: paired by age (± 2 years) and weight (± 2 kg) for intervention groups
Analysis: control variables of physical activity, consumption of coffee and alcohol, smoking in regression; reportedly not significant
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Not feasible due to women having chosen contraceptive method
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk No mention; objective outcome measure
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Loss to follow‐up and discontinuation: DMPA 53% (29/55); IUC 24% (10/42)
From IUC group, only 26 of 32 matched with 26 in DMPA group
Major differential losses between groups