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. 2016 Aug 28;2016(8):CD008815. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008815.pub4

Taneepanichskul 1998.

Methods Design: retrospective study examined weight change in long‐term users of DMPA versus IUC
Location: family planning clinic at a hospital in Bangkok, Thailand
Time frame: no information
Sample size estimation and outcome of focus: no information
Participants 100 women, age 37 to 50 years, attending family planning clinic
Inclusion criteria: used DMPA or IUC for 120 months (10 years); followed "regularly"; no history of smoking or alcohol intake
IUC users had not used any hormonal contraceptive
Exclusion criteria: developed chronic disease or metabolic disorder during DMPA or IUC use
Interventions Method chosen
 1) DMPA (N = 50)
 2) Cu T380A IUC (N = 50)
Outcomes Mean change in body weight
Time frame: 120 months
Weight measured in standard manner at 120 months; prior method not specified.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) High risk Users of DMPA "recruited randomly"; users of Cu T380A selected as controls
NOS selection (NRS) High risk Exposed: clinic population, older contraceptive users; used method for 10 years and regularly attended clinic
Non‐exposed: same as exposed group but chose different contraceptive
Exposure: presumably from clinic records
NOS comparability (NRS) Low risk Design: matched for age, parity, income, weight
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Not feasible due to women presumably having chosen method
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk No information; objective outcome measure
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Loss to follow‐up: retrospective study of women who used method for 10 years and regularly attended clinic; may have recruited women with relevant data in charts
Exclusions: developed chronic disease or disorder during method use; may have biased results because weight gain is associated with development of some diseases and disorders