Figure 1.
A) Topography of evoked striatal responses to contralateral dentate (DN) stimulation. Schematic diagram of a transverse section through the striatum (adapted from [Paxinos, 1998]). The striatum was subdivided into 4 regions dorso-ventrally. Evoked potentials recorded in the same subdivision were pooled for analysis. The three medio-lateral recording tracks are shown as dashed vertical lines. Waveform averages of evoked striatal field potentials in a single example case. Waveform averages were generated from 10 consecutive evoked field potentials. The evoked field potentials were largest in the most dorsolateral recording locations, and smallest in more ventromedial recording locations. For each trace an arrow indicates the stimulus onset. B) Changes in field potential amplitude as a function of medio-lateral and dorso-ventral recording position. Bar graph shows pooled mean peak to trough amplitude of evoked striatal fields in each track for all 4 striatal subdivisions (n=6 animals). Peak to trough amplitude was normalised to the largest response for each case. On average the largest response was found in the dorsolateral striatum (dorsal striatum, yellow bars, compared across medio-lateral recording sites i.e. 2.5mm vs. 4.0mm track and 3.5mm vs. 4.0mm track p<0.001; Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s post-test, n=6; field amplitudes recorded in the dorsal (yellow) region of the lateral 4.0mm track were compared to increasingly ventral recording positions shown as orange, pink and blue bars respectively p<0.001; Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s post-test, n=6). The error bars represent standard error of the mean. C) Single unit striatal responses evoked by contralateral DN stimulation. Left panel shows two examples of evoked single unit activity in the striatum. Each trace is an overlay of 3 consecutive sweeps. Arrow indicates stimulus onset. Right hand panel shows peri-stimulus time histograms (PSTHs) displaying the occurrence of single unit activity after DN stimulation. The PSTHs each represent 50 consecutive sweeps. The stimulus was given at time 0 (indicated by the vertical dotted line). D) Histological verification of the site of DN stimulation. Sagittal cerebellar section (adapted from [Paxinos, 1998]) showing three schematics of the DN at different medio-lateral co-ordinates. The black filled circles indicate the location of the stimulating electrode in the contralateral DN. In all 6 animals the electrode tip was found to be within the anatomical boundaries of the dentate nucleus.