(A) Thrombin generation assays were performed in antithrombin/heparin cofactor II (HCII)-depleted plasma in the presence or absence of 2-O, 3-O desulphated heparin (ODSH; 5 u/ml) and anti-TFPI-K2 (50 nM) and were initiated with tissue factor (1pM) or factor Xa (0.1 nM). Shown are changes in lag time, relative to control (mean±SD; n=3). (B) Thrombin generation assays were performed in antithrombin/HCII-depleted plasma as in Fig 1, in the presence of 0.5 (dotted line), 1 (dashed line), or 5 (dashed/dotted line) u/ml ODSH. Shown are the average fluorescence curves (mean±SD, n=3). (C) Prothrombinase activity assays in the presence of varying concentrations of ODSH were performed and are represented as described in Fig 4B. TFPI. TFPIα: tissue factor pathway inhibitor alpha. SD: standard deviation.