FIG. 7.
(a) Experimental results depicting the relationship between the acoustic streaming velocity Udc and the modulation index m at three different modulation frequencies fm = 5 kHz (◇), fm = 50 kHz (△), and fm = 100 kHz (×) in a 5 μl droplet suspended with 6 μm particles. The power is fixed at We = 20 mW. The dotted lines represent least square fit—R2 = 0.999 (◇), R2 = 1.000 (△), and R2 = 0.999 (×)—and suggests that , consistent with that shown in Fig. 6. (b) Experimental results showing the relationship between the acoustic streaming velocity and the modulation frequency fm at two different powers We = 92 mW (×) and We = 156 mW (○) in a 5 μl droplet suspended with 6 μm particles. The case fm = 0 represents the condition in the absence of amplitude modulation. The piezoelectric substrate is excited by 30.5 kHz SAWs. Error bars indicate a ±2 standard deviation (95% confidence level) from the mean. Trendlines in (b) were added to aid visualization.