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. 2016 Sep 22;60:10.3402/fnr.v60.32594. doi: 10.3402/fnr.v60.32594

Table 1.

Description of food items included in each food group in the Okinawan-based Nordic diet

Food group
Root vegetables Hot or cold. Red or yellow carrots as snacks or incorporated in the dish. Parsnips, parsley root, rutabaga, celery root, beetroot, artichoke, or sweet potatoes as part of the dishes.
Potatoes Shredded in potatoes burger, fried raw.
Vegetables Onion, leek, garlic, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, squash, eggplant, fennel, spinach, various types of salad, tomato, pepper, cucumber, mushroom, and asparagus.
Legumes Fresh: green peas, sweet peas, and soybean (edamame).
Dried: white and black beans, kidney beans, and lentils.
Nuts Walnuts, almonds, and cashews.
Seeds Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, linseed, and sesame seed, as part of snacks served with fruits and berries.
Fruits and berries Apple, orange, pear, strawberry, blueberry, lingonberry, dried apricots, and prunes. Coconut milk was used for cooking.
Meat products and poultry Chicken, rooster, turkey, game meat (hart and deer), and ground beef.
Fish and seafood Salmon, codfish, plaice, mackerel, herring, and prawns.
Egg Eggs were used for cooking and as snacks.
Dairy products Low-fat drinking milk (maximum 1.5% fat), filmjölk (a Swedish fermented product similar to yogurt) and low-fat yogurt (1.5% fat), hard cheese (17% fat), parmesan cheese, cottage cheese, and quark. Whipped cream (36% fat) and soy cream used for cooking, and Turkish yogurt (10% fat).
Fat and oil Vegetable oil including rapeseed oil, sesame oil, and olive oil for cooking and dressing. Vegetable fat spread (60% fat) for bread.
Rice Whole-grain rice and black Thai rice. A maximum of half a deciliter of uncooked rice per serving.
Cereals Rolled oats, rye flakes, whole-grain whole-kernel rye, oat, barley, and wheat. Bread rich in whole grain, a maximum of two slices per day. Whole-grain pasta, bean paste, millet, oat bran, quinoa, and rye flour.
Beverages/liquids (non-alcoholic) Recommended free amount of tap water or mineral water with the meals. Light products to be avoided. Tea, filtered coffee, or instant coffee.
Spices Own preference with restrictions on salt.
Sweets and desserts Homemade dark chocolate (>70%), bean truffles, coconut flakes, ginger, and prune cake. No refined sugar or sweetener was used, but instead natural sweet foods such as prunes, pears, and occasionally honey.
Alcoholic beverages Maximal intake of alcoholic beverages was set to 30 g ethanol/week.