(A) tPA (10 nM) mediated dissolution of clots (% clot lysis) made from fresh frozen plasma from Pg−/−, Pg+/− and Pg+/+ mice. Control represents Pg−/− plasma clot without tPA. (n=3-5 ± SEM) (B) Pg-depleted human plasma was supplemented with purified human Pg and tPA (14 nM). Clot dissolution was measured by the decrease in clot turbidity at 405 nm at 37 °C. (n=3-5 ± SEM). (C) The line graph shows that plasma Pg levels were directly proportional to MCA thrombus dissolution (%) in Pg−/−, Pg+/− and Pg+/+ mice (n= 43 mice, 10-14 per group) and Pg+/++Pg mice (n=6) during stroke. ***p<0.001. (D) Intravascular Pg (10 mg/Kg) supplementation to Pg−/− mice significantly enhanced the dissolution of the MCA thrombus after 6 h stroke. Mean ± SE, n= 6 per group. **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ns (not significant).