Figure 2.
Experimental demonstration of SPASM’s ability to measure indirect-domain evolution frequencies, illustrated for a model Chloroform case whose 13C offset was systematically shifted over 2 kHz in 100 Hz steps for a fixed indirect evolution delay Δt1 = 1 ms. (A) Post-acquisition processing involves separating the experimental data into alternating points corresponding to N (echo) and P (anti-echo) FIDs. Once individually Fourier transformed and phased to yield purely-absorptive 1D spectra, each peak leads to the phase parameters ϕN,i and ϕP,i from which the indirect frequency can be determined (eq. 2). (B) Phase difference exhibited by CHCl3’s sole 1H resonance when acted upon by the SP-SWAT sequence as a function of an artificially-varying indirect frequency offset F1. Green data points illustrate the periodic phase wrapping arising from the limits on a measurable phase difference Δϕ = ϕN-ϕp; phase-unwrapping yields the blue points, in excellent fit with the prediction of eq. 3.