Pharmacological block of muscarinic AChR hyperpolarized the resting membrane potential of SBC at physiological temperature. A, Resting membrane potential of n = 6 SBCs (thin gray lines) monitored for 20 min at 37°C. Black open circles and black lines: mean ± SEM measured at 30 s intervals; horizontal black bar, interval of tolterodine washin. B, Averaged RMP before [control (Ctrl), 0-4 min], during (Tol, 4-14min) and after [recovery (Rec), 14–20 min] washin of tolterodine. Gray markers connected by gray lines show individual SBCs; black open circle markers show mean ± SD of n = 6 SBCs. Black lines and asterisk show significant differences in post hoc testing, p < 0.05. C, Rm of n = 6 SBCs from the same measurements and same presentation as in A. D, Averaged Rm before, during, and after washin of tolterodine, with same presentation as in B.