Stress-induced changes of endothelial Ace, Ace2, and Brg1 in the hearts. (A) qRT-PCR analysis of eNos, Et-1, Adamts1, Hdac7, Nrg1, Ace, and Ace2 in the mice heart ventricles after sham or TAC operation. n = 5 mice per group. P value: Student's t test. Error bar: SEM. (B and C) Coimmunostaining of Ace (red, arrows) and Pecam (green, labeling endothelial cells) in left ventricles 7 d after sham (B) or TAC (C) operation. Blue, DAPI nuclear stain. (Scale bars, 10 μm.) (D and E) Coimmunostaining of Ace2 (red, arrows) and Pecam (green, labeling endothelial cells) in left ventricles 7 d after sham (D) or TAC (E) operation. Blue, DAPI nuclear stain. (Scale bars, 10 μm.) (F and G) Coimmunostaining of Brg1 (red) and Pecam (green, labeling endothelial cells) in left ventricles 7 d after sham (F) or TAC (G) operation. Blue, DAPI nuclear stain. Arrows, Brg1 in endothelial cell nuclei; arrowheads, Brg1 in myocardial cell nuclei. (Scale bars, 10 μm.) (H and I) Western blot analysis (H) and quantitation (I) of Ace, Ace2, and Brg1 proteins in cardiac endothelial cells isolated from mouse hearts 7 d after sham or TAC operation. P value: Student's t test. Error bar: SEM.