PSC improves dFb engraftment in EDL muscles. (A) Number of miniDys-GFP+ fibers per 100,000 cells injected, averaged across seven sections for each muscle with 700 μm between sections, 10 weeks after transplantation with dFb alone or dFb + PSC. Lines show the median. (B) Number of miniDys-GFP+ fibers across seven sections for each cohort. Counts for each section are shown as mean ± standard error of the means. (C) Frequency distributions comparing the number of engrafted fibers per section between cohorts. Numbers on the x-axis represent bin centers, with the highest bin including frequencies of all engrafted counts above 975 fibers. (D) Frequency distribution comparing areas of individual engrafted fibers between cohorts. Numbers on the x-axis represent bin centers, with the highest bin including the frequencies of all engrafted fiber areas above 1,800 μm2. (E) Scatterplot comparing engrafted area versus number of miniDys-GFP+ fibers for each cohort. Gray lines show linear regressions that capture differences in fiber number per area. *P < 0.01 for the difference in the slopes of regression lines. n = 5–10 per group. EDL, extensor digitorum longus.