Can you please tell me a bit about your stay [at the MAW]? (Follow-up: What was important to you during your stay?) |
Can you please tell me about your perception of safety/lack of safety during your stay [at the MAW]? (Follow-up: Did you trust the doctorś professional competence?) |
Have you received treatment in hospital before? If yes: how would you compare your previous experiences with the treatment you received [at the MAW]? |
Overall, what did you find most positive about your stay? |
How would you describe the treatment you received[at the MAW]? |
How did you feel the personnel treated you if you asked any questions? (Follow-up: Did you have questions? How did the personnel act if you were anxious or worried about something? Can you please describe a concrete situation in which you had this experience?) |
Do you think your experience would have been different if you had been admitted to the hospital? If yes: In what way? |
What did you find most negative about your stay? |
How did you experience the communication with the staff? (Follow-up: Can you please describe a concrete situation in which you had this experience? Did you feel that they were interested in your situation? Did you participate in decision-making regarding your treatment and care? Were there differences between different personnel?) |
If you compare hospital and [the MAW], what are the similarities and differences regarding patient treatment? |
Is there anything I haven’t asked you about, that you would like to add? |