Table 3.
Theme | Subthemes | Representative quotes |
Almost a hospital, but… | Treatment and competence |
But it was a hospital! To me it was! I got all the help I had expected. They started examining me at once, took blood samples, blood pressure, and the whole package! (Rebecca, 80) …and then I got to stay there, where there were doctors and nurses available. Got an IV cannula in my hand. (Mona, 53) …then they started giving me intravenous medications instead of oral- so I understood that they had the knowledge. (Sarah, 66) It was very hard to come home. To find out that I actually hadn’t received any treatment, only analgesics (.) (Thomas, 51) |
Location and physical environment |
It is obvious that it has a lot to say. It is, after all, straight up the street. (Harry, 66) It is much closer. Otherwise you have to travel all the way [to hospital] in order to visit. Family and relatives nearby, you see. It is easier for them. (Harry, 66) I appreciate more coming to the MAW, because you always meet someone you know, and it’s easy for relatives to come visit. (Kate, 71) Yes, we call it a mini-hospital. (Judy, 74) I felt more like I was (.) well (.) not in an ordinary hospital, because I was kind of more free (Stacey, 61) |
Adequate time for care |
It seemed like they had the time to take care of you, to sit down and talk. What really helped me was the doctor who took his time, explaining things to me, and had the time to listen to what I asked. (Andrew, 50) Yes, it is much bigger in the hospital! More patients and (.), they do not have that much time for each patient there [hospital] as in the MAW. I realize that (.). And perhaps more people are in need of help (.), many more in need of food and… (Sarah, 66) |
Participant pseudonym and age- in years, in parenthesis. A list of collated codes is available upon request.