Figure 2.
(a) Representative amplitude pattern of GC-EAD results for M. domestica female to fermented wheat bran odor blend. 1: Ethyl palmitate, 2: Ethyl linoleate, 3: Methyl linoleate, 4: Linoleic acid. (b) EAG responses of female antennae to four standard chemicals at five dosages. EAG Index was calculated with RC−(RC−1−RC+1)/2; RC: recorded value, RC−1: control value before recording, RC+1: control value after recording. Error bars indicate ± s.e.m. (c) Comparison among four standard chemicals and MIMIC odorant blends at a dose of 100 ug for female M. domestica adults. Lowercases indicate differences of electrophysiological response index among five treatments (EL: ethyl linoleate, EP: ethyl palmitate, L: linoleic acid, ML: methyl linoleate, MM: mimic blend; ANOVA, Tukey HSD, F4, 302 = 11.8, P < 0.0001). Error bars indicate ± s. e. m.