Appendix Table A3.
Labor Demand Regressions - First Stage Results 1, 2, and 3 Period Lagged Household Composition as IVs
Dependent Variable | ||||||||||||
Number of males […] | Number of females […] | |||||||||||
Birth to 14 years (1) |
15 to 19 (2) |
20 to 34 (3) |
35 to 49 (4) |
50 to 64 (5) |
65 and older (6) |
Birth to 14 years (7) |
15 to 19 (8) |
20 to 34 (9) |
35 to 49 (10) |
50 to 64 (11) |
65 and older (12) |
| ||||||||||||
Joint Test of all IVs | ||||||||||||
F-statistic | 73.43 | 52.77 | 45.12 | 53.59 | 46.21 | 26.18 | 56.69 | 47.45 | 49.81 | 52.51 | 39.22 | 22.13 |
p-value | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Observations | 25,739 | 25,739 | 25,739 | 25,739 | 25,739 | 25,739 | 25,739 | 25,739 | 25,739 | 25,739 | 25,739 | 25,739 |
N. Households | 3,783 | 3,783 | 3,783 | 3,783 | 3,783 | 3,783 | 3,783 | 3,783 | 3,783 | 3,783 | 3,783 | 3,783 |
Notes. Table reports joint F tests of IVs from the 1st stage of labor demand regressions using 1, 2, and 3 period lagged household composition as instruments for the number of household members in the demographic group in each column. Along with community-time and farm household fixed effects, additional controls include quintiles of farm and household (real) assets, age and education of the household head and spouse, and the month of interview. All estimates of variance-covariances take into account clustering at the household level and allow arbitrary heteroskedasticity.