Superimposed local structures around the four S···O interactions and one S···N interaction observed in PLA2-DG. Pictures were drawn using the structural data of PDB (Table 1) with dS···X≤0.05 Å. The sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon atoms are shown in yellow, red, blue, and black, respectively. The residue numbers of bovine PLA2 are indicated. For porcine and human PLA2, the residue numbers may be different (see the footnotes of Table 1). (A) The S(C44)···O(D40) interaction. (B) The S(C61)···O(A55) interaction. The structures of human PLA2 [1LE6(A) and 1LE6(B)] are omitted because they are significantly deviated. (C) The S(C84)···O(C96) interaction. (D) The S(C98)···O(F94) interaction. (E) The S(M8)···N(R100) interaction.