Table 2.
Compound | Mr (g·mol−1) | Regression Equation | Linear Dynamic Range (μg·mL−1) | R2 | LOD (μg·mL−1) | LOQ (μg·mL−1) | RSD (%) |
Histamine | 111.2 | y = 0.3234x | 3.0–100.0 | 0.996 | 2 | 7 | 2.0 |
Mr stays for molecular mass; R2 for coefficient of determination; LOD for limit of detection (3 S/N); S/N means signal/noise ratio where S is the peak area of the lowest detectable signal of analyte and N is expressed as standard deviation (SD) of noise determined in the signal domain; LOQ for limit of quantification (10 S/N) and RSD for relative standard deviation calculated from three measurements of Histamine standard peak areas (100 μg·mL−1; injection 100 μL per sample).