Constitutively active Dia changes Abi-SCAR localization and actin structure at the fusion site. Stage 16 embryo stained for F-actin (phalloidin, white) and YFP (GFP antibody, green), FCM (magenta, false colored), FC/myotube (turquoise/false colored). (Ai–Aiii) As control, constitutively active Dia (UAS-Dia.CA) was expressed together with UAS-myc-NYFP and UAS-HA-CYFP in the muscles under the control of DMef2-Gal4. Fusion is blocked in this context. Background YFP fluorescent level was visualized with antibody against GFP. (B-C) UAS-Dia.CA was expressed together with UAS-Abi-myc-NYFP and UAS-SCAR-HA-CYFP (Bi-Biii) or UAS-SCAR-myc-NYFP and UAS-Abi-HA-CYFP (Ci-Ciii) in the muscles. Actin morphology at the fusion site was visualized by Phalloidin staining of F-actin. Abi-SCAR complex was visualized by YFP reconstitution and was labeled by antibody against GFP. Scale bar: 5 μm.