Figure 2.
Occupancy and dimensions of the internal cavity and the maximum conductance of Kv and BK channel. (A) Alignment of the Kv1.2/2.1 chimera (gray backbone) with MthK (blue) pore domain structures. Shown are the diagonal subunits, with front and back subunits omitted for clarity. K+/water in the selectivity filter are green spheres. The side chains shown on CPK color correspond to the glutamate ring equivalent positions (right for MthK and left for Kv1.2/2.1). The residues in yellow are the internal cavity residues able to tolerate aspartate substitution. Kv2.1/1.2 chimera: PDB ID 2R9R; MthK: PDB ID 4HYO. (B) Role of charged residues in the inner cavity on maximum conductance of Shaker and BK. Maximal conductance is defined as the unitary conductance at saturating K+ concentration.