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. 2016 Sep 6;8(9):545. doi: 10.3390/nu8090545

Table 3.

Adjusted geometric means of serum triglyceride by tertiles (Q) of each dietary pattern score in study subjects (n = 1720).

Dietary Pattern Q1 (Lowest) Q2 Q3 (Highest) p for Trend a β b
Healthy 572 c 573 575
 Model 1 d 96.3 (92.1–100.5) e 94.0 (90.3–97.9) 90.3 (86.5–94.2) 0.049 −0.037 (−0.074–−0.001)
 Model 2 f 95.6 (91.7–99.8) 94.2 (90.6–98.0) 90.6 (87.0–94.4) 0.08 −0.032 (−0.068–0.004)
Western 573 572 575
 Model 1 95.3 (91.4–99.4) 93.6 (89.9–97.5) 91.5 (87.7–95.5) 0.20 −0.023 (−0.059–0.012)
 Model 2 95.1 (91.3–99.0) 93.9 (90.4–97.6) 91.4 (87.8–95.2) 0.19 −0.023 (−0.057–0.011)
Seafood 573 572 575
 Model 1 89.0 (85.4–92.7) 96.5 (92.7–100.4) 95.1 (91.3–99.0) 0.04 0.042 (0.001–0.082)
 Model 2 89.6 (86.1–93.2) 96.2 (92.6–100.0) 94.7 (91.1–98.5) 0.11 0.032 (−0.004–0.071)
Bread 573 573 574
 Model 1 93.6 (90.2–98.1) 96.3 (92.5–100.2) 90.2 (86.5–94.0) 0.16 −0.020 (−0.054–0.009)
 Model 2 93.6 (89.8–97.4) 96.4 (92.7–100.2) 90.5 (87.0–94.3) 0.24 −0.018 (−0.049–0.012)

a Based on multiple linear regression analysis; the model included a continuous variable with the median value of dietary pattern score within each tertile category. b Partial regression coefficient associated with an increase in 1 category of dietary pattern score (95% confidence interval; 95% CI). c Number of subjects. d Adjusted for study area (10 areas), gender (men or women), age (years, continuous), total energy intake (kcal/day, continuous), physical activity (METs·h/day, continuous), alcohol consumption (never, former drinker, or current drinker consuming 0.1–22.9, 23.0–45.9 or ≥46 g ethanol/day), and smoking (never, former smoker, or current smoker consuming 1–19 or ≥20 cigarettes/day). e Geometric mean (95% CI). f Adjusted for all variables in Model 1 plus body mass index (kg/m2, continuous).