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. 2016 Sep 26;16:515. doi: 10.1186/s12879-016-1820-8

Table 1.

Summary of included studies

Article ID Vaccine type Time period study conducted Year coverage reported for Participants age (years) Sample size Study design Sampling frame Data collection method
MacIntyre R, 1993 [25] Influenza May–June 1992 1992 0+ 537 Cross sectional Systematic sampling from Victorian White Pages Telephone interviews; self-report
Hanna, 2001 [23] Influenza and pneumococcal 1995–2000 Influenza 1995–2000 15+ 15836 Cross sectional All data for Indigenous adults extracted for Far North Queensland region from health department database (VIVAS database) Provider reported to health department database
Pneumococcal 1995–2000
Taylor, 2001 [3] Influenza and pneumococcal 1998–2000 Influenza annually 1998, 1999, 2000 18+ 10505 Cross sectional Systematic sampling from the Australia wide White Pages Telephone interviews; self-report
Pneumococcal 1996–2000
Andrews, 2005_V [26] Pneumococcal July–Aug 2000 1999 and 2000 65+ 278 Cross sectional Participants from the 1999 Victorian Population Health Survey who agreed to be contacted for further studies were sampled. Contacted by phone for permission and details before contacting provider Telephone interviews; provider report
Gill, 2007 [30] Influenza 1993–2004 Reported annually for each year of study 15+ 8448 Cross sectional Not reported Telephone interviews; self-report
Horby, 2005 [19] Influenza Oct–Nov 2001 2001 40+ 7681 Cross sectional RDD* from Australia wide White Pages Telephone interviews; self-report
Hanna, 2003 [24] Influenza 2001 2002 15+ 11062 Cross sectional All data for Indigenous adults extracted for Far North Queensland region from health department database (VIVAS database) Provider reported to health department database
Menzies, 2004 [21] Influenza and pneumococcal 2001 Influenza 2001 Pneumococcal 1997–2001 18+ 3681 Cross sectional National Health Survey- 3 stage random community sample –Australia wide- for Indigenous adults Face to face interviews; self-report
Andrews, 2005 [10] Influenza and pneumococcal Apr 2000–Mar 2002 Influenza 2000 and 2001 65+ 2934 Case cohort Random sample from 2 Victorian hospitals. End of each month participants randomly selected from those discharged in that month. Telephone interviews; provider report
Pneumococcal 2000 and 2001
NSW Health, 1997–2012 [11] Influenza and pneumococcal 2002–2012 Reported each year of study. 18+ 3416 Cross sectional RDD* from NSW White pages- mobile number’s included from 2012 Telephone interviews; self-report
Influenza annually
Pneumococcal <5 years
AIHW, 2003 [12] Influenza 2002 Influenza 2002 Pneumococcal 1998–2002 40+ 8000 Cross sectional RDD*, Australia wide Telephone interviews; self-report
Hanna, 2004 [22] Influenza 2003 2003 15+ 11204 Cross sectional All data for Indigenous adults extracted for Far North Queensland region from health department database (VIVAS database) Provider reported to health department database
AIHW, 2005 [13] Influenza and pneumococcal 2004 Influenza 2004 Pneumococcal 2000–2004 18+ 7500 Cross sectional RDD*, Australia wide Telephone interviews
Menzies, 2008 [20] Influenza and pneumococcal 2004–2005 Influenza 2004/2005 18+ 10439 Cross sectional RDD*, Australia wide for Indigenous adults Face to face interviews
Pneumococcal 2001–2005
AIHW, 2008 [14] Influenza and pneumococcal 2006 Influenza 2006 Pneumococcal 2002–2006 18+ 8022 Cross sectional RDD*, Australia wide Telephone interviews; self-report
Ridda, 2008 [28] Influenza and pneumococcal June-Nov 2006 Reported ever vaccinated previously 60+ 200 Cross sectional Convenience sampling of consecutive inpatients from one Sydney hospital- validated with medical records- Face to face interview; self-report
Dower, 2011 [27] Influenza and pneumococcal 2008 Influenza 2008 18+ 2203 Cross sectional RDD*, Queensland Telephone interviews; self-report
Pneumococcal 2004–2008
AIHW, 2011 [15] Influenza and pneumococcal 2009 Influenza 2009 Pneumococcal 2005–2009 18+ 10231 Cross sectional RDD*, Australia wide Telephone interviews; self-report
Loke, 2012 [29] Influenza and pneumococcal April–May 2011 Influenza annually 2010, 2011 18+ 50 Cross sectional Convenience sampling of random selection of inpatients from a South Australian hospital Face to face interview; self-report
Pneumococcal ever vaccinated
BEACH 2014 [16] Pneumococcal 2013 2009–2013 15+ 2523 Cross sectional Random sample of 125 GP practices- Australia wide –Sample initially source all GPs who claimed a min 375 GP A1 Medicare items. Randomly selected GPs are then approached by letter then phone. Provider reported from GP records
Cheng, 2013 [17] Influenza 2012 2012 18+ 1216 Cross sectional National hospital based sentinel surveillance- Australia wide. Hospitals recruited from physician members of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Task Force and representatives of the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases. Also recruited 2 non-urban hospitals to increase sample of Indigenous patients. Standard collection instrument, collected clinical, radiological and laboratory data- self report, or medical record (generally based on self-report)
Cheng, 2014 [18] Influenza 2013 2013 18+ 964 Cross sectional National hospital based sentinel surveillance- Australia wide. Hospitals recruited from physician members of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Task Force and representatives of the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases. Also recruited 2 non-urban hospitals to increase sample of Indigenous patients. Standard collection instrument, collected clinical, radiological and laboratory data- self report, or medical record (generally based on self-report)

*RDD random digit dialling

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure