FIG 2.
Dermonecrosis area and bacterial burden in rabbits infected with the SF8300 wild-type, Δhla, and compΔhla strains. Rabbits were challenged with 2.4 × 109 CFU of the SF8300 wild type, 2.4 × 109 CFU of the SF8300 Δhla strain, and 2.5 × 109 CFU of the SF8300 compΔhla strain. (A) Dermonecrosis area determined using ImageJ software on each day postinfection, with 7 rabbits per experimental group being tested. Error bars indicate SEMs. Pairwise comparisons of dermonecrosis area for the WT versus Δhla strains and for the compΔhla versus Δhla strain yielded multiplicity-adjusted P values of <0.01, whereas pairwise comparisons for the WT versus the compΔhla strain yielded multiplicity-adjusted P values of >0.05 (see Table S3 in the supplemental material). (B) Bacterial burden of dermonecrotic ulceration harvested from rabbits euthanized on day 7 postinfection. The log10 numbers of CFU per gram were not significantly different between the three experimental groups (all pairwise comparisons yielded multiplicity-adjusted P values of >0.05).