Fig. 2.
SEM of drug-treated lice showing disfigured and damaged bodies. (A, B) An adult louse treated with ivermectin which shows apparently flaccid legs (short arrows), damage of the chitinous covering of the head, its front, the last pair of legs, and basal apodeme, and loss of hook-like claws as well as tibial spurs. Loss of some sensory hairs on legs, less setae as compared with the negative control, and destruction in the last abdominal segments (long arrow) as well as the edeagus and endotheca are seen. (C) Citrus lemon juice-treated lice illustrating shriveled, disfigured, and distorted adult Pediculus with loss of the outer smooth architecture as well as loss of clinching claws. (D) Tea trea oil 5%-treated lice showed bulging of respiratory spiracles (arrows) with preserved outer contour and presence of hook-like claws. Abdomen maintained pseudopenis, edeagus, and subgenital plate. (E) Extra virgin olive oil-treated lice which show the respiratory system filled with olive oil along the 2 hollow tubes on both sides together with their lateral extensions connected to the respiratory spiracles (arrows). (F) Positive control specimens (licid-treated lice) illustrating some loss of sensory hairs and setae with some damage of the smooth outer architecture.