Fig. 4. Lattice Boltzmann simulations of dewetting films of different initial shapes.
(A to F) Instantaneous liquid profiles relaxing from slab (left) and spherical cap (right) initial configurations. In both cases, the aspect ratio of the initial liquid shape is set to h0/R0 = 0.02, and the final equilibrium contact angle is θe = 70°. (G) Apparent contact angle as a function of time for different initial aspect ratios of slab and spherical cap–shaped films. The time axis is rescaled by the time scale τrim = 9μ(R0 − Rf)/γθe3. The good collapse of the data shows that the rim speed scales with the capillary speed, UCa = γθe3/9μ, and that the duration of the linear dewetting regime scales with the amplitude of the lateral distortion, R0 − Rf.