Figure 3.
Calculations of the relative 1H magnetization enhancements of protons Hex, due to exchange with hyperpolarized water protons. Unless stated otherwise the relaxation of water was kept constant at = 10 sec, and the initial relative enhancement of water was = 1000. (a) Enhancement as a function of time since the hyperpolarized (HP) water injection, for the different exchange rate(kex) values indicated in the bottom panel. Calculations are given for three different values of T1(Hex) (top, middle and bottom panels); the dashed orange line in all panels represents the decay of the water polarization with time. (b) Enhancement achievable by Hex as a function of kex, calculated assuming that: a single scan was measured by a 90° pulse at an optimal time after injection of hyperpolarized water (blue lines), that thermal signal averaging was performed over the course of 10 hours with optimal conditions (ie., with 90° pulses and recycle delays given by kex and not solely by T1(Hex); red lines), or that multiple hyperpolarized scans were done on Hex at optimum times assuming minimal TR of 100 ms (cyan lines; in this latter case we display the sum of signals collected with 90° pulses divided by square root of the number of scans). Other parameters are the same as in (a). (c) The effect of T1(H2O) on the Hex enhancement, shown for an optimized single scan acquisition (top), or for multiple scans seeking maximum SNR as a function of kex. T1(Hex) = 2 sec and the T1(H2O) is varied – 5, 10 and 15 sec (red, cyan and green lines, respectively).