Extended data Figure 1. Protein synthesis in epidermal populations.
a, Hair cycle stages and genetic lineage marking using K19- and Lgr5 tdTomato (tdTom) mice. Cell surface markers to isolated bulge stem cells are CD34 and Itgα6. Telogen: stem cells (CD34+/Itgα6+) are quiescent and resting in the bulge (BG). Early anagen: stem cells divide and give rise to committed progenitors in the hair germ (HG), which then grow downwards into the bulb (BU) surrounding the dermal papilla (DP). Late anagen: cells differentiate upwards to form the hair. Catagen: intermediate phase, when the hair bulb degenerates into a new resting bulge. IFE: interfollicular epidermis; SG: sebaceous glands. Mouse transgenes label K19 (red)- and Lgr5 (orange)-positive stem cells and their progeny. b, OP-puro detection in mouse epidermis at all hair cycle stages. Dotted lines: hair follicle and epidermal basal layer. Arrows: OP-purohigh cells in the hair follicle. Arrowheads: OP-purolow cells in the interfollicular epidermis. Nuclei (DAPI). c, tdTomato and OP-puro detection in back skin of K19tdTom and Lgr5tdTom mice in telogen and late anagen. Arrows: Tomato+ cells. Arrowheads: Tomato+/OP-purohigh cells. Dotted line: lower bulge. Merged panels in Figure 1c-f. e, Hair follicle lineages and differentiation markers used in Figure 1g-j. ORS: outer root sheet; Cp: Companion layer; IRS: inner root sheet; He: Henle’s layer; Hu: Huxley layer; Ci: cuticle of inner root sheet; Ch: cuticle; Co: cortex; Me: Medulla. f, P-cadherin and OP-puro detection in a late anagen. Scale bars: 50 μm.