In order to visualise standard topography in the amputees’ somatosensory cortex, inter-digit representational similarity was assessed for multivoxel patterns underlying the right (intact) hand maps shown in
Figure 1—figure supplement 3 in amputees (intact hand,
A) and controls (dominant hand,
B). To estimate inter-digit representational similarity for the intact hand, the same blocked design as described in the materials and methods section
missing hand inter-digit overlap was used. Tactile feedback (from the button box) was incorporated into the task to optimally activate the somatosensory cortex. Participants were instructed to perform single digit button presses (using an MRI-compatible button-box manufactured in house) with their right intact (amputees) or right dominant (controls) hand at a 1 Hz frequency. To cue the participant which digit should be moved, the circle corresponding to this digit flashed at the specified 1 Hz rate. Digits 1–5: thumb; index; middle; ring and little finger.