Figure 4. Externally applied Bc-DCL1/2-sRNAs and -dsRNAs inhibited pathogen virulence on fruits, vegetables, and flower petals.
(a) Bc-DCL1/2-dsRNAs and -sRNAs, as well as YFP-dsRNAs and -sRNAs, were synthesized and processed, and 100 ng of RNAs was analyzed on a native PAGE gel to check the quality. (b) External application of Bc-DCL1/2-dsRNAs and -sRNAs (20ul of 20 ng/μl synthetic RNAs) inhibits the virulence of B. cinerea on fruits (tomato, strawberry, and grape), vegetables (lettuce and onion), and flower petals (rose), compared to the treatments using water, YFP-dsRNAs and -sRNAs. (c) The relative lesion sizes and fungal biomass were measured 3 dpi for lettuce, onion, rose, and strawberry and 5 dpi for tomato and grape fruits using ImageJ software and quantitative PCR, respectively. Error bars indicate the SD of 10 samples and three technical repeats for the relative lesion sizes and relative biomass, respectively. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences (P < 0.01). Similar results were obtained from three biological replicates.