(a) Total RNA extracted from the N. benthamiana plants expressing Hellsgate empty vector (EV), YFP or Bc-DCL1/2 RNAi constructs was examined by Northern blot analysis to measure the expression levels of YFP- and Bc-DCL1/2 sRNAs. (b) N. Benthamiana total RNAs containing Bc-DCL1/2-RNAs (20 ng/μl) were sprayed onto fruits (tomato, strawberry, and grape), vegetables (lettuce and onion), and flower petals (rose) reduced grey mold disease symptoms, when compared with the application of N. Benthamiana total RNA extracts from plants expressing YFP-sRNAs and -dsRNAs or no sRNAs (EV). (c) The relative lesion sizes were measured 3 dpi for lettuce, onion, rose and strawberry, and 5 dpi for tomato and grape fruits using imageJ, and error bars represent the SD of 10 plant samples. The relative biomass of B. cinerea was also calculated with quantitative PCR, and error bars represent the SD of three technical replicates. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences (P < 0.01). Similar results were observed from three biological replicates.