Figure 3. Current responses to drugs targeting TRPM7 channels in mouse oocytes and eggs.
(a,f) Whole-cell voltage clamp recordings from oocytes (a–c) and eggs (d–f). (a) Whole-cell patch clamp recording in response to 80 μM Naltriben (red bar). (b) Averaged current recorded at +80 mV (7 ± 2, 19 pA/pF for recordings in basal conditions (No external Mg2+, red symbol); n = 4. 9, 4 ± 2, 4 pA/pF for current responses to 80 μM Naltriben; n = 4). (c) Current evoked from a voltage ramp from −100 to +100 mV in response to 30 μM NS8593 (cyan). Insert: Averaged current recorded at +80 mV (9 ± 4, 3 pA/pF for basal responses; n = 5. 3, 7 ± 1, 7 pA/pF for responses to 30 μM NS8593; n = 5). (d) Representative trace of a voltage-clamp recording on an egg in response to 80 μM Naltriben (red bar). (e) Averaged current recorded at +80 mV (4, 9 ± 1, 8 pA/pF for recordings in basal conditions (No external Mg2+, red symbol); n = 3. 7, 9 ± 2, 1 pA/pF for current responses to 80 μM Naltriben; n = 3). (f) Current-Voltage (I-V) relation in response to a voltage ramp (−100 mV to +100 mV) in basal conditions (no external Mg2+, red trace) and in response to 30 μM NS8593 (cyan). Insert: Averaged current recorded at +80 mV (5, 4 ± 1, 5 pA/pF for basal responses; n = 6. 1, 6 ± 0, 9 pA/pF for responses to 30 μM NS8593; n = 6). ± SD. ***P < 0.001, *P < 0.05.