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. 2016 Sep 29;16:188. doi: 10.1186/s12883-016-0711-3

Table 1.

Characteristics of 32,519 Western Australian dementia patients by number of injurious falls observed, 2001–2013

Variable N % No injurious falls observed
(n = 23,549 participants)
% 1 injurious fall observed
(n = 7297 participants)
% 2 or more injurious falls observed
(n = 1673 participants)
 Female 19,919 61.25 13,309 56.52 5247 71.91 1363 81.47
 Male 12,600 38.75 10,240 43.48 2050 28.09 310 18.53
Age group (years)
 60–64 122 0.35 112 0.48 10 0.14 0 0.00
 65–69 1063 3.27 948 4.03 99 1.36 16 0.96
 70–74 2357 7.24 1997 8.48 313 4.29 47 2.81
 75–79 5159 15.86 4173 17.72 831 11.39 155 9.26
 80–84 8225 25.29 6168 26.19 1712 23.46 345 20.68
  ≥ 85 15,593 47.95 10,151 43.11 4332 59.37 1110 66.29
Residential locationa
 Metropolitan 23,938 73.67 17,197 73.08 5417 74.26 1219 72.88
 Rural 5913 18.20 4347 18.47 1326 18.18 313 18.73
 Remote 2642 8.13 1987 8.44 552 7.56 140 8.39
 No 10,532 32.39 6897 29.29 2864 39.25 771 46.08
 Yes 21,987 67.61 16,652 70.71 4433 60.75 902 53.92
Marital statusa
 Married 13,726 43.27 10,490 45.63 2526 35.29 476 28.60
bNot married 17,996 56.73 12,496 54.36 4631 63.46 1188 71.39
Inurious falls in previous yearc
 No fall 23,540 72.39 17,646 74.93 4902 67.18 992 59.29
 Fall 8979 27.61 5903 25.07 2395 32.82 681 40.71

a missing information

b Single/widow/divorced

c before index hospital admission with dementia