General assessment including self‐reported incontinence
Self‐reported continence can be complemented with validated questionnaires, e.g. IPSS and Qol questionnaires (e.g. ICIQ)
Dipstick urinalysis for leucocytes and nitrites to rule out infection
7 day bladder diary (also recommended by NICE)
Pad usage
PFMT recommendation
Start PFMT pre‐treatment (ideally 1 month before surgery in case of RP) or within one month of RT/ADT treatment/catheter removal after surgery
Physiotherapist assisted programme has the greatest benefit. Consider using a physiotherapist or at least a DVD with a physiotherapist demonstrating the exercises
Continue on PFMT for at least 6 weeks
Can be provided in combination with biofeedback, if possible
Oral treatment recommendation
Other options (also included in existing guidelines)
Patient education and health promotion: Advise on bladder retraining, fluid intake and dietary irritants, review existing medications.
Caffeinated drinks: Ensure patients avoid caffeinated drinks, which can aggravate irritative storage symptoms.
Containment devices
If symptoms do not improve within at least 3 month of each intervention (or a combination of these) described here, referral may be warranted to specialist urology centres.
NICE UI guidance has suggested a review either face to face or at least telephone at 4 weeks after initiating Antimuscarinics therapy. Therefore a 4 week telephone review can precede face to face 3 month review.
We recommend that all management options should be used for as long as needed by the patient
Referral should be considered if:
Symptoms of LUTS persist after ≥ 3 month of conservative treatment or drug treatment
Moderate to high (> 8) IPSS that fails to improve in spite of interventions
IPSS showing high impact on QoL
Frequency persists at > 8 times per day