Fig. 1.
Characterization of PrPres in scrapie and CWD brain homogenate inocula. Shown are the (a) molecular masses and (b) relative densities of di-, mono- and unglycosylated PrPres. Data were derived from three or four independent Western blots performed using mAb F99/97.6.1. Least squares means and 95 % confidence intervals are plotted in (a). Symbol representations for TSEs and donor animals: open circle, scrapie from sheep S3178; open square, scrapie from goats G3538, G3558, G3953 and G30-75; closed triangle, CWD from white-tailed deer WTD804; closed circle, primary passage of CWD from CFIA Elk in sheep CFIA113 and CFIA122; closed diamond, CWD from pooled elk homogenate ‘CFIA Elk’.